Super Funny Jokes I Can Tell My Kids

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Is there anything a kid loves more than jokes? Whether it is telling jokes or hearing jokes, kids love a good joke!

I love awesome jokes for kids . I love teaching them easy jokes so they always have the ability to laugh or to make someone laugh.

From a young age, kids can start to comprehend jokes. The older they get the more complex the joke can become, but even my three year old loves a good kid joke.

Not only does she love hearing jokes, but she loves telling jokes too.

Every child loves learning new jokes — and springing them on their friends and family! And every parent loves having a trove of hilarious jokes for kids.

Let's be honest, kids are born comedians, so they are the perfect people to teach jokes too and jokes are always a great way to pick people up.

You can share one of these jokes with your child when they're down, or encourage them to use jokes when one of their friends could use a little extra kindness .

Variety of Jokes for Kids

If you are like my family we love jokes, so we like to have a variety of good jokes on hand like knock-knock jokes , silly jokes , and just easy jokes for kids of all ages.

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137 of the Best Jokes for Kids

Whether you're looking for popular kid jokes, animal jokes or, yes, even the dad jokes , we've got them on this list of kid-tested/parent-approved jokes for kids.

With more than 130 jokes to scroll through, the laughs are guaranteed!

We are always adding to our giant list of the best jokes for kids so be sure to add yours in the comments below so that we can add it to the list!

Note: All of our kid jokes are clean and family-friendly.

Q: What does a cloud wear under his raincoat?
A: Thunderwear.

Q: What did the traffic light say to the car?
A: Don't look. I'm about to change.

Q: What did the fisherman say to the magician?
A: Pick a cod, any cod.

Q: What did the snowman say to the other snowman?
A: Do you smell carrots?

Q: Why can't Cinderella play soccer?
A: Because she's always running away from the ball.

Q: Why can't you give Elsa a balloon?
A: She will Let It Go.

Q: Did you hear about the kidnapping in the park?
A: They woke him up.

Q: Why is there a fence around a cemetery?
A: People are dying to get in.

Q: What music frightens balloons?
A: Pop music.

Q: How does Darth Vader like his toast?
A: On the dark side.

Q: What room doesn't have doors?
A: A mushroom.

Q: What do you say when you lose a Wii game?
A: I want a Wii-match.

Q: What do Alexander the Great and Winnie the Pooh have in common?
A: The same middle name.

Q: Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?
A: In case he got a hole in one.

Q: What did the policeman say to his belly button?
A: You're under a vest.

Q: Why is Peter Pan always flying?
A: Because he never lands.

Q: How do you make a tissue dance?
A: Put a little boogie in it.

Q: Why was the broom late?
A: It over-swept.

what's a cow's favorite holiday? riddle

Q: What did one toilet say to the other toilet?
A: You look flushed.

Q: Which is the longest word in the dictionary?
A: "Smiles," because there are miles between each "s."

Q: What stays in a corner and travels all over the world?
A: A stamp.

Q: Did you hear the joke about the roof?
A: Never mind, it's over your head.

Q: What did the stamp say to the envelope?
A: Stick with me and we'll go places together.

Q: What race is never run?
A: A swimming race.

Q: Why did the little boy throw his clock out the window?
A: Because he wanted to see time fly.

Q: What has two legs but can't walk?
A: A pair of pants.

Q: How does a train eat?
A: It goes chew chew.

Q: Do you know how many famous men and women were born on your birthday?
A: None, only babies.

Animal Jokes for Kids

Q: What do you call a toothless bear?
A: A gummy bear.

Q: What happens if it rains cats and dogs?
A: You need to watch for poodles.

Q: What do you get when you cross a Labrador and a magician?
A: A labracadabrador!

Q: What did the marlin say to the swordfish?
A: You're looking sharp.

Q: Why are fish so smart?
A: Because they live in schools.

Q: How do snails fight?
A: They slug it out.

Q: What is a deer with no eyes called?
A: <shrugs>
No "eye-deer" (idea)

Q: What's a snake's favorite subject?
A: Hiss-tory.

what do you give a sick lemon jokes for kids

Q: How does a squid go into battle?
A: Well armed.

Q: Why can't you trust the king of the jungle?
A: Because he's always lion.

Q: What do porcupines say when they kiss?
A: Ouch.

Q: Why do cats make terrible storytellers?
A: They only have one tail.

Q: What kind of key opens a banana?
A: A mon-key.

Q: Why are penguins socially awkward?
A: Because they can't break the ice.

Q: What's a cow's favorite holiday?
A: Moo Year's Eve.

Q: Where do sheep go to get haircuts?
A: The baa-baa shop.

Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
A: The chicken hadn't evolved yet.

Q: How do cats bake cakes?
A: From scratch.

Q: Why did the firefly get bad grades in school?
A: He wasn't very bright.

Q: Why wouldn't the shrimp share his treasure?
A: Because he was a little shellfish.

Q: What did the judge say when the skunk walked into the courtroom?
A: Odor in the court.

Q: How do you keep a bull from charging?
A: Take away its credit card.

Q: What do you give a sick bird?
A: A tweetment.

Q: Where does a polar bear keep his money?
A: a snow bank.

Q: What do cows read?
A: CATTLE-logs.

Q: What animal needs oil?
A: A mouse because it squeaks.

Q: What animal is best at hitting a ball?
A: A bat.

Q: What is a cat's favorite color?
A: PURRRR-ple.

Q: What kind of cat likes water?
A: An octo-PUSS.

Q: What do you call a dog who goes to the beach in the summer?
A: A hot dog.

Q: Why do tigers have stripes?
A: So they don't get spotted.

Q: What time is it when people are throwing pieces of bread at your head?
A: Time to duck.

Q: What bone will a dog never eat?
A: A trombone.

why do fish live in salt water joke for kids

Knock Knock Jokes

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Little old lady.
Little old lady who?
Wow, I didn't know you could yodel!

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Cargo, who?
Car go, "Beep beep, vroom, vroom!"

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Atch who?
Bless you.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Smellmop who?
Ew, no thanks!

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Catsup who?
Your cat's up a tree and won't come down.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Radio, who?
Radio-not, here I come!

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Wooden shoe.
Wooden shoe who?
Wooden shoe like to hear another joke?

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Doctor who?
Hey, that's my favorite TV show!

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Doris who?
Doris locked, that's why I'm knocking!

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
I love.
I love who?
I don't know, why don't you tell me!

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Howard who?
Howard you like a bear hug! (go for a big hug)

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Sing who?

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Water who?
Water you doing in my house?!?

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Amish who?
Awe, I miss you too.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Dishes who?
Dishes a nice place you got here.

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Hike who?
I didn't know you liked Japanese poetry!

Knock, knock.
Who's there?
Sweden who?
Sweden sour chicken!

Food Jokes for Kids

Q: What did the asparagus say to the mushroom?
A: You're a fun guy.

Q: What does a nosy pepper do?
A: It gets jalapeƱo business! (all-up-in-yo business)

Q: What kind of nut has no shell?
A: A doughnut.

Q: Why do we put candles on the top of a birthday cake?
A: Because it's too hard to put them on the bottom.

Q: What do you give a sick lemon?
A: Lemon aid.

Q: Why did the melon jump into the lake?
A: Because he wanted to be a watermelon.

Q: What are the two things you can't have for breakfast?
A: Lunch and dinner.

Q: What did the boring egg say to the funny egg?
A: You crack me up.

Q: What do you call a fake noodle?
A: An IM-pasta.

Q: What did the nut say when it got a cold?
A: Cashew.

Q: Why did the banana go to the hospital?
A: Because it wasn't peeling well.

Q: What kind of snack do you have during a scary movie?
A: Ice cream (I scream).

Q: How did the egg get up the mountain?
A: It scrambled up.

Math and Science Jokes

Q: Why was the math book sad?
A: It had too many problems.

Q: What did the ocean say when it saw the storm coming?
A: Nothing, it just waved.

Q: Why couldn't cavemen send cards?
A: The stamps kept falling off the rocks.

Q: How do we know Saturn was married more than once?
A: Because she's got a lot of rings!

Q: What do you do if you see a spaceman?
A: Park your car, man.

Q: What's an astronaut's favorite candy bar?
A: A Mars bar.

Q: What did the volcano say to his wife?
A: I lava you so much.

Q: What do you call an old snowman?
A: Water.

Q: Why is 6 afraid of 7?
A: Because 7, 8, 9.

Q: How do you know when the moon has had enough to eat?
A: When it's full.

Q: What is a robot's favorite snack?
A: Computer chips.

Groaners and "Dad" Jokes

Q: Why is it so windy inside a sports arena?
A: All those fans.

Q: What kind of witch likes the beach?
A: A SAND-witch.

Q: When is a baseball player like a spider?
A: When he catches a fly.

Q: How do you cut the sea in half?
A: With a see-saw.

Teacher: Class, we will have only half a day of school this morning.
Class: Hooray!
Teacher: We will have the other half this afternoon.

Q: Why did the boy eat his homework?
A: His teacher told him it was a piece of cake!

Q: Where do pirates like to eat?
A: Arrrrby's.

Q: What do you call cheese that's not yours?
A: Nacho cheese.

Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I'm only four feet tall!
Doctor: You'll just have to be a little patient.

Q: How do trees get on the internet?
A: They log in.

Q: How do billboards talk?
A: Sign language.

Q: What's brown and sticky?
A: A stick.

Q: What letters are not in the alphabet?
A: The ones in the mail.

Q: Why do fish live in salt water?
A: Because pepper makes them sneeze!

Q: What has three letters and starts with gas?
A: A car.

Q: What did the blanket say to the bed?
A: I've got you covered.

Q: Why are Teddy Bears never hungry?
A: Because they're always stuffed.

Q: Who did Frankenstein's monster bring to prom?
A: His goulfriend.

Q: What do you get when you cross a cow with a trampoline?
A: A milkshake.

Q: What kind of money do mermaids use?
A: Sand dollars.

Q: What gets wetter the more it dries?
A: A towel.

Q: What is a pirate's favorite letter?

Q: Why couldn't the sailor learn his alphabet?
A: Because he always got lost at C.

Q: What are the only kind of trees that grow fingers?
A: Palm trees.

Q: Why did the boy bring a ladder to school?
A: He wanted to go to high school.

Q: What kind of shoes do ninjas wear?
A: Sneakers.

Benefits of Jokes for Kids

Did you know that there are so many benefits when kids tell jokes and hear jokes! Jokes provide physical, social and emotional benefits for your child. So if you haven't started, now is the perfect time to introduce jokes to your kids!

You can see these benefits from Jokes:

  1. Better Coping Skills . Jokes help kids cope with stress better. Jokes give your kids an outlet when things get tough. When they have a lot of funny jokes on hand they are able to tell someone a funny joke or think of a funny joke to relieve the stress they are feeling to better cope with the situation.
  2. Social Interaction . In today's world, we need to help our kids learn social interaction skills. Jokes teach these skills by interacting with others, patience in waiting for someone to answer and just interacting with people in general. Jokes bring kids together that normally have nothing in common with one another, but everyone loves a good joke so it gives them something to interact with.
  3. Verbal Skills . Jokes help teach kids word sounds, meanings of certain words, a bigger vocabulary and even practice spelling.
  4. Reading Skills . Jokes for kids help with reading skills. If your child is struggling to read or doesn't have a love for reading, grab them a joke book or have them pull up this massive list of the best jokes for kids and just read them and laugh. They will want to continue to read jokes so they can keep laughing and so they can share new jokes with friends and family.
  5. Encourages Family Time . Jokes encourage family time. It encourages interaction with everyone and gets the whole family involved. Even little kids that have no concept of the joke will still start laughing when everyone else in the family begins.
  6. Better Health. We have heard it for years, laughter is the best medicine, so what better way to laugh than by hearing a good joke!

Is Humor Good for Kids?

Yes! Comedy isn't just fun — it's healthy.

The old saying is true: laughter really is medicine. According to psychologists , laughter reduces anxiety, improves brain function, boosts creativity, and even improves physical health.

In other words, sharing jokes with your kids isn't just fun, it helps improve their mental and physical wellbeing.

Of course, for most parents, the benefits of humor are just a bonus. Sharing jokes for kids is fun , and that's all the reason we need.

More Ways to Have Fun With Your Children

If you thought our jokes for kids were funny (or even just groan-worthy), check out our favorite riddles and brain teasers for kids , or our the best tongue twisters for kids .

These riddles and tongue twisters are guaranteed to get your kids smiling, laughing, and maybe just a little bit stumped. Kids especially love to memorize the riddles and try them out on their friends!

More Jokes for Kids?

These jokes are just the beginning. There are thousands of great jokes for kids out there, and it's nearly impossible to collect them all — but we love it when you share some of your favorites (whether they're a groaner or a true, laugh-out-loud joke)!

What are your favorite kid jokes? Leave us a comment below and share one — or two or three.

We periodically update this post with suggestions from the comments, so with your help, the joke collection will keep on growing!

printable jokes for kids

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